Resume Worship Service Guidelines

Rock of Ages Baptist Church’s goal is taking every precaution in accordance with CDC and local government guidelines to ensure a safe, secure, and socially spacious worship experience. Although church service will not be like it was, but God is still Good! We thank you in advance for your cooperation and assistance with our re-opening pandemic protocol to protect your health.

Weekly Worship Service Days and Times
(Starting Saturday, 3/27, 5:00 pm and Sunday 3/28, 8:00 am and 11:00 am)

  1.  Seniors, those with compromised immune systems, and anyone uncomfortable with assembling, are encouraged to worship with us on

  2.  If you, or anyone in your household, can answer “YES” to any of these questions within the last 14 days, please worship online, seek testing, and self-quarantine:

    1. Have you been in close contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19?
    2. Are you experiencing a cough, shortness of breath, or sore throat?
    3. Have you had a fever (over 99 degrees Fahrenheit) in the last 48 hours?
    4. Have you had new loss of taste or smell?
    5. Have you had vomiting or diarrhea in the last 24 hours?

  3.  Seating will be “First Come” basis and in accordance with guidelines to sit 6-feet apart (families who come together can sit together).

  4.  Church (including seating) will be sanitized before and after each worship service in accordance with CDC guidelines.

  5.  Church (including seating) will be sanitized before and after each worship service in accordance with CDC guidelines.

  6.  Restrooms will be sanitized before and after each service and monitored for the duration.

  7.  Some areas will be closed to minimize foot-traffic.

  8.  Wearing a mask is mandatory-without exception. It must cover your nose and mouth. It can be disposable or cloth; a scarf that functions as a mask is acceptable.

● I Am Attending Worship Service at Rock of Ages Baptist Church, What Can I Expect?

  1.  Arrive for screening which begins 4:15 pm for (Saturday’s 5:00 pm Worship Service): 7:15 am (Sunday’s 8:00 am Worship Service), and 10:15 am (Sunday’s 11:00 am).

  2.  You will be directed to maintain 6-feet safe distance as you move through the progress.

  3.  Wear a mask that covers the nose and mouth.

  4.  Use hand sanitizer upon enter the church.

  5.  Give contact information for contact tracing purposes.

  6.  Answer the five CDC questions.

  7.  Get temperature checked (must be below 100 degrees Fahrenheit).

  8.  Follow directions of the greeters/ushers to be seated in the sanctuary, give tithes/offerings, and to depart the sanctuary.

We take Tithes and Offerings:

If it is more convenient for you we do have our secured “Drop Box” location on the West side entrance of the Church.

Rock of Ages Baptist Church  -  1309 Madison St. Maywood, IL 60153

Also available Online Giving. A simple, secure way for donors to give online.

Give Online Now!

And Text to Give. Thank you and may God continue to bless you and your families during these times. Prayer is still at work.

Text ROABC to 73256

Compassion Line

Your church family can pray for you. 24 hour. 708.343.4673

Be Saved Today

And everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. Read more!


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Weekly Calendar

Rock of Ages Baptist Church Weekly Calendar. Click here!