Mission Statement

Our Mission Statement is "Ministering to the Misery of the Masses with the Mercy of the Master." "When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd" (Matthew 9:35 NIV).

Ministering We believe that if we are going to have an impact on the Maywood and global community we will have to do so through meaningful ministry. We are mandated to minister to those who are suffering from the ravages of sin, Satan, and self. Our plan is to truly become a mega-ministering ministry. We are told in Ephesians 4:29c that we are to "....minister grace to the hearer."

Misery We sense strongly a need to meet the needs of those who are facing misery and miserable situations. Even though we understand that life holds for all of us some seasonal situations, we want to be there to see people through. The world is filled with people who are facing unemployment, financial difficulties, sickness, mental stress, discouragement, bereavement, addictions, and more that can be classified as misery. There is no corner of the world where misery is not found. It is not relegated to one color, sex, or religious belief. Misery is everywhere. We are told in Ecclesiastes 8:6 that the "misery of the man is great upon the earth."

Masses Even though our target group is the world we have narrowed it down to our homes, neighborhood, community, city, state, nation, and world. We hear and heed the commandment of God to "go into all the world..." Everywhere we go we want to share the love of Christ through telling the world about it. People matter to us because they matter to God. We are told in Matthew 9:36a that "...when Jesus saw the multitude; he was moved with compassion on them..."

Mercy We are ever mindful that it had not been for the mercy of God we would be unsaved today. Because mercy has been given to us we also share that same mercy as we minister to others who are in need. We are called to be conduits of mercy and we know that we will never be truly successful as a church until we show the mercy of God to everyone we meet. In Romans 11:31c, we read these words: "...that through your mercy they also may obtain mercy."

Master Jesus the Christ is the pattern for all that we do. His Word and good works as documented by the Bible is our guide as we seek those who are facing the pains, problems, and perils of life. Our ultimate aim is to bring people to Christ while keeping in mind that for some it may take longer than others. For some the love will shed abroad immediately but for others the light will not shine for years. Jesus is our Master and we are committed to the things that are important to Him. In John 13:13 we read: "Ye call me Master and Lord: and ye say well: for so I am."

Vision Statement

Our Vision Statement is, "We believe God has given us the vision to become compassionate Christians who are empowered by Christ to reach beyond the walls of the Church building to meet the holistic needs of our community."

God has been working through Pastor Marvin E. Wiley since March 1991 to manifest the vision He has set forth for Rock of Ages Baptist Church. Since the Church's inception of September 15, 1950, under the leadership of its initial Pastor, Dr. Thomas H. Wade Sr., the Church has grown spiritually and numerically.

In 1995, God gave Pastor Wiley the vision to build a new edifice to his glory at 1309 Madison Street. Thereafter, Vision of Restoration a 501c3, T. H. Wade Foundation Center, Solid Rock Christian Bookstore, and the Rock Solid Ice Cream Shop were acquired.

Under the direction and leadership of Pastor Wiley, the Church is again positioning itself for expansion, increased opportunities to minister and reach the lost. As members we are co-laborers and partners with the Pastor. Every member will be needed to receive the vision, understand the vision, and share the vision. We believe the best is yet to come. As the Pastor would say, "Don't let us be successful without you." Be a part of the success for Christ!